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狗狗智商排名 Top 10 IQ Rankings of Dogs

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编写&翻译:Mikayla 赵天一上海私立南洋模范中学12A



IQ Rankings of Dogs(1-10)

1、边境牧羊犬Border Collies



Border Collies originate from Scotland, who are excellent atshepherding for centuries. They arevigilant, astute, comprehensive,domesticated. They love catchingfrisbees, and they are absolutelyloyal to their owners.

2、贵宾/泰迪 Poodles


Poodles are definitely smart and desperate hunters! Poodles are conjecturally originated from Germany, and they are known for being able to hunt under water.

They are really desirable choices for families who want to raise pets since they are incredibly clever!



German Shepherd Dogs settled in Germany by 1880, and were pervasively raised as hunt aways since then. Later during WW1, Germans chose these smart creatures to be army dogs.

Additionally, they are now often chosen as policedogs, sniffer dogs, and guide dogs because they are prompt and adaptive.

4、金毛巡回猎犬Golden Retrievers


Golden Retrievers(Swimming Champion) often express friendly emotions. They are passionate, vigilant,and confident. Their traits can be explicitly witnessed under harsh working circumstances since they are natural hunters. Besides, their appearance, balance, motion, and job capability are especially appreciated,and they are also champion swimmers!




Doberman pinschers originate from Germany. They are named after their fosterer, Mr.Louis Du BoerMann. They are considered one of the most intelligent strain of dogs among all, and they can be used for both military and police purposes.Their physical talents are as prominent astheir intellective ones!

6、喜乐蒂 Shelti

喜乐蒂牧羊犬原产苏格兰,因产地原因得名Sheland sheepdog,简称shelti(喜乐蒂)。在古代的时候,喜乐蒂牧羊犬是非常好的牧羊犬,耐寒、体力好、忠实,使用范围非常广。喜乐蒂牧羊犬诞生已有百多年的历史,是日本最受欢迎的犬种之一,它主要分布于英国和北美。

Shetland sheepdogs are so called due to their origin, or Shelti. Back then, Sheltis were brilliant shepherd dogs. They are cold-resistant, active, and loyal. They can handle multifarious jobs. They have a long history over hundreds of years. Shetland sheepdogs are one of the most favoredt ypes of dogs in Japan, and are prevalentlydistributed in Britain and North America.



Labradorians are medium- to large-sized dogs. Theyhave gentle, active, harmless,and intelligent instincts, and therefore are desirable to be considered guide dogs.

Labradorians, Golden Retrievers, andHuskies areknown as the most harmless dogsa mong all. According to the American Kennel Club(AKC),Labradorians are the biggest registry group.



Papillons derive from France,and they are named by French. In French, papillon means butterfly.Their origin can be traced back to the 16thcentury, which is the oldestin Europe. Papillons became the devotion of ladies after they were introduced into France. The shag on their ears are very long, which are like butterfly wings.



Rottweilers are especially strong. They are one of the strongest breed of dogs. Rottweilers were used to guard cattle. They are exceedingly strong, smart, and easy to get along with. They are known as excellent police dogs. Vigilance is one of their natural talents. In the middle ages, those wealthy merchants hung their purses around the necks of Rottweilers to avoid being pilfered.

10、澳洲牧牛犬Blue Heelers


Australian Queensland Heelers, or Blue Heelers, are energetic, endurable and talented. In Australia, they are proficient helpers who herd cattle from rural areas tourban markets. Therefore, they are more adaptive to fields.

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